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Cargo Build File


In the Rust ecosystem, files play a crucial role in the package management and build process managed by Cargo, Rust’s package manager. These build scripts are executed before the rest of the build process, allowing developers to run custom code for tasks such as compiling native libraries, generating bindings, or performing other pre-build operations. This functionality is designed to enhance the flexibility and adaptability of build processes in Rust projects.


Despite their utility, files can pose security risks similar to those in other programming ecosystems that allow execution of arbitrary code during package installation. If a Rust crate (package) containing a malicious script is used, it can execute unauthorized actions, potentially compromising the user's system or data. It is therefore critical for developers to review and trust the source of any crate that includes a build script.


In August 2023, Phylum's automated risk detection identified a potential malware campaign leveraging the file in Rust packages. The scheme began with the release of several harmless, typosquatted packages which were later updated to include a mechanism for sending system information to a controlled Telegram channel. This early stage was crucial for uncovering the threat before it evolved into more harmful activities. For more detailed insights on this campaign, refer to Phylum's blog post.