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License Commercial Risk


Software packages released under non-commercial licenses present a risk for projects intending to use them in commercial contexts. Non-commercial licenses restrict the use of the software to non-profit activities, prohibiting any commercial exploitation, including selling, licensing, or integrating the software into proprietary products.

When a package is found to be under such a license, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the implications. Non-compliance with these license terms can lead to legal actions, financial penalties, and damage to the reputation of the entity using the software inappropriately.


Using software governed by non-commercial licenses in a commercial setting can have serious legal and financial consequences. It is essential to identify and review these licenses to ensure compliance and avoid potential risks.


Non-commercial licenses often have clauses that explicitly state the software cannot be used for commercial purposes. For instance, a package under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) license prohibits using the software in any commercial manner.

Consider the following scenario: a developer uses a library released under a non-commercial license in a proprietary application. This use case violates the terms of the license and could lead to legal disputes.