๐๏ธ phylum
Client interface to the Phylum system
๐๏ธ phylum analyze
Submit a request for analysis to the processing system
๐๏ธ phylum auth
Manage authentication, registration, and API keys
๐๏ธ phylum auth create-token
Create a new API token
๐๏ธ phylum auth list-tokens
List all tokens associated with the logged-in user
๐๏ธ phylum auth login
Login to an existing account
๐๏ธ phylum auth register
Register a new account
๐๏ธ phylum auth revoke-token
Revoke an API token
๐๏ธ phylum auth set-token
Set the current authentication token
๐๏ธ phylum auth status
Return the current authentication status
๐๏ธ phylum auth token
Return the current authentication token
๐๏ธ phylum exception
Manage analysis exceptions
๐๏ธ phylum exception add
Add a new analysis exception
๐๏ธ phylum exception list
List active analysis exceptions
๐๏ธ phylum exception remove
Remove an existing analysis exception
๐๏ธ phylum extension
Manage extensions
๐๏ธ phylum extension install
Install extension
๐๏ธ phylum extension list
List installed extensions
๐๏ธ phylum extension new
Create a new extension
๐๏ธ phylum extension run
Run an extension from a directory
๐๏ธ phylum extension uninstall
Uninstall extension
๐๏ธ phylum firewall
Manage the package firewall
๐๏ธ phylum firewall log
Show firewall activity log
๐๏ธ phylum group
Interact with user groups
๐๏ธ phylum group create
Create a new group
๐๏ธ phylum group delete
Delete a group
๐๏ธ phylum group list
List all groups the user is a member of
๐๏ธ phylum group member
Manage group members
๐๏ธ phylum group member add
Add user to group
๐๏ธ phylum group member list
List group members
๐๏ธ phylum group member remove
Remove user from group
๐๏ธ phylum history
Return information about historical jobs
๐๏ธ phylum init
Setup a new Phylum project
๐๏ธ phylum org
Manage organizations
๐๏ธ phylum org link
Select an organization as default for all operations
๐๏ธ phylum org list
List all organizations the user is a member of
๐๏ธ phylum org member
Manage organization members
๐๏ธ phylum org member add
Add user to organization
๐๏ธ phylum org member list
List organization members
๐๏ธ phylum org member remove
Remove user from organization
๐๏ธ phylum org unlink
Clear the configured default organization
๐๏ธ phylum package
Retrieve the details of a specific package
๐๏ธ phylum parse
Parse dependency files and output their packages as JSON
๐๏ธ phylum ping
Ping the remote system to verify it is available
๐๏ธ phylum project
Manage Phylum projects
๐๏ธ phylum project create
Create a new project
๐๏ธ phylum project delete
Delete a project
๐๏ธ phylum project link
Link a repository to a project
๐๏ธ phylum project list
List all existing projects
๐๏ธ phylum project status
Get current project information
๐๏ธ phylum project update
Update a project
๐๏ธ phylum status
Get Phylum project details
๐๏ธ phylum uninstall
Uninstall the Phylum CLI
๐๏ธ phylum update
Update to the latest release of the Phylum CLI
๐๏ธ phylum version
Display application version