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phylum analyze

Submit a request for analysis to the processing system

Usage: phylum analyze [OPTIONS] [DEPENDENCY_FILE]...


[DEPENDENCY_FILE]   Path to the dependency file to submit


-l, --label <LABEL>   Specify a label to use for analysis

-j, --json   Produce output in json format (default: false)

-p, --project <PROJECT_NAME>   Specify a project to use for analysis

-g, --group <GROUP_NAME>   Specify a group to use for analysis

-t, --type <TYPE>   Dependency file type used for all lockfiles (default: auto)   Accepted values: npm, yarn, pnpm, gem, pip, poetry, pipenv, mvn, gradle, msbuild, nugetlock, nugetconfig, gomod, go, cargo, spdx, cyclonedx, auto

--skip-sandbox   Run lockfile generation without sandbox protection

--no-generation   Disable generation of lockfiles from manifests

-o, --org <ORG>   Phylum organization

-v, --verbose...   Increase the level of verbosity (the maximum is -vvv)

-q, --quiet...   Reduce the level of verbosity (the maximum is -qq)

-h, --help   Print help


The following order is used to determine which dependency file will be analyzed:

  • Dependency files in the .phylum_project file specified during phylum init
  • Recursive filesystem search

If any of these locations provides a dependency file, no further search will be done. Recursive filesystem search takes common ignore files like .gitignore and .ignore into account.


# Analyze your project's default dependency files
$ phylum analyze

# Analyze a Maven lockfile with a verbose json response
$ phylum analyze --json --verbose effective-pom.xml

# Analyze a PyPI dependency file and apply a label
$ phylum analyze --label test_branch requirements.txt

# Analyze a Poetry lockfile and return the results to the `sample` project
$ phylum analyze -p sample poetry.lock

# Analyze a NuGet lockfile using the `sample` project and `sGroup` group
$ phylum analyze -p sample -g sGroup packages.lock.json

# Analyze a RubyGems lockfile and return a verbose response with only critical malware
$ phylum analyze --verbose --filter=crit,mal Gemfile.lock

# Analyze the `Cargo.lock` and `lockfile` files as cargo dependency files
$ phylum analyze --type cargo Cargo.lock lockfile