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phylum history

Return information about historical jobs

Usage: phylum history [OPTIONS] [JOB_ID]


[JOB_ID]   The job id to query


-j, --json   Produce output in json format (default: false)

-p, --project <PROJECT_NAME>   Project to be queried

-g, --group <GROUP_NAME>   Group to be queried

-o, --org <ORG>   Phylum organization

-v, --verbose...   Increase the level of verbosity (the maximum is -vvv)

-q, --quiet...   Reduce the level of verbosity (the maximum is -qq)

-h, --help   Print help


# List the last 30 analysis runs
$ phylum history

# View the analysis results of a historical job
$ phylum history 338ea79f-0e82-4422-9769-4e583a84599f

# View a list of analysis runs for the `sample` project
$ phylum history --project sample

# Show analysis runs for the `sample` project of the `demo` group under the `test` org
$ phylum history --org test --group demo --project sample