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phylum init

Setup a new Phylum project

Usage: phylum init [OPTIONS] [PROJECT_NAME]


[PROJECT_NAME]   Phylum project name


-g, --group <GROUP_NAME>   Group which will be the owner of the project

-d, --dependency-file <DEPENDENCY_FILE>   Project-relative dependency file path

-t, --type <TYPE>   Dependency file type used for all lockfiles (default: auto)   Accepted values: npm, yarn, pnpm, gem, pip, poetry, pipenv, mvn, gradle, msbuild, nugetlock, gomod, go, cargo, spdx, cyclonedx, auto

-f, --force   Overwrite existing configurations without confirmation

-r, --repository-url <REPOSITORY_URL>   Repository URL of the project

-o, --org <ORG>   Phylum organization

-v, --verbose...   Increase the level of verbosity (the maximum is -vvv)

-q, --quiet...   Reduce the level of verbosity (the maximum is -qq)

-h, --help   Print help


# Interactively initialize the Phylum project.
$ phylum init

# Create the `demo` project with a yarn lockfile and no associated group.
$ phylum init --dependency-file yarn.lock --type yarn demo

# Create the `demo` project in the `sample` group of the `test` organization.
$ phylum init --org test --group sample demo