phylum package
Retrieve the details of a specific package
Usage: phylum package [OPTIONS] <TYPE> <NAME> <VERSION>
  Package ecosystem type
  Accepted values: npm
, rubygems
, pypi
, maven
, nuget
, golang
, cargo
  The name of the package.
  The version of the package.
, --json
  Produce output in json format (default: false)
, --filter
  Provide a filter used to limit the issues displayed
    EXAMPLES:     # Show only issues with severity of at least 'high'         --filter=high
    # Show issues with severity of 'critical' in the 'author'     and 'engineering' domains         --filter=crit,aut,eng
, --org
  Phylum organization
, --verbose
  Increase the level of verbosity (the maximum is -vvv)
, --quiet
  Reduce the level of verbosity (the maximum is -qq)
, --help
  Print help
If the requested package has not yet been analyzed by Phylum, it will automatically be submitted for processing.
# Query specific package details
$ phylum package -t npm axios 0.19.0