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Extension Quickstart

Creating an extension​

The best way to get started with writing your own Phylum CLI extension, is to generate an extension skeleton using the phylum extension new subcommand. We'll use my-extension as an example in this guide:

phylum extension new my-extension

Once finished, we should find a new directory called my-extension in our current working directory, containing the files main.ts and PhylumExt.toml.

Extension structure​

Extensions always contain at least two files, the manifest describing the extension (PhylumExt.toml), and the entrypoint where the extension's execution will begin. Any additional source files can be included in the extension directory and imported from the entrypoint.

The manifest file contains metadata about the extension beyond its executable source code. All available options can be found in the manifest format.


Since the generated extension skeleton is a fully functional extension, we can go ahead and install it right away:

phylum extension install ./my-extension


Once successfully installed, our extension can be executed by using its name as a subcommand for the phylum CLI:

$ phylum my-extension
Hello, World!

The Hello, World! message confirms that our extension is working correctly.