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Tines Integration

Configuring Credentials​

Tines has a concept of credentials that can be used from within stories. Under Your Teams on the left hand side, locate the Credentials item in the navigation and click it. On the new page, click on the + New credential button in the top right:

Tines new credential button

and select HTTP Request in the drop down:

Tines new credential dropdown menu

Name your new credential Phylum and populate the fields as follows:

Content typeForm
"client_id": "phylum_cli",
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "<YourPhylumRefreshToken>"
HeadersContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Location of token from responseREGEX_REPLACE( JSONPATH(phylum,"$.body.access_token"), "[\[\]\"]", "")

Click Save to finalize and save this credential. For any Phylum templates in Tines, be sure to select the appropriate Phylum credential.

Selecting a Phylum Template​

Tines is a no-code editor that allows users to work with and triage security-related data. Several Phylum capabilities are exposed in the Tines template catalog.

After signing into Tines and accessing your relevant story, locate the Templates section on the left of the editor:

Tines templates section location

In the dialog that pops up, enter Phylum to locate the Phylum templates:

Tines templates for Phylum

Select the template you want to use in your story and drag and drop it over into the work area:

Add the Phylum template