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Threat Feed

The Phylum threat feed provides a curated view into malware being released across the open source ecosystems that we monitor. Packages that appear on this feed originate from our automated risk analysis platform, before being triaged and reviewed by a team of security researchers. This produces a timely, high signal feed of threats; packages now attributed to North Korean state actors appeared on this threat feed before publication of our research article.

ℹ️ The threat feed is not part of the Phylum Community edition.


  1. Obtain an API key and set it as follows:

  2. Use your API key to retrieve the latest packages in the threat feed:

    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $PHYLUM_API"

If you prefer cursor based pagination, the threat feed also supports this.

API Response

  • has_next - true if there is another page available in the feed
  • has_previous - true if there is a previous page in the feed
  • packages - A list containing threat information

For example:

"has_next": (true|false),
"has_previous": (true|false),
"packages": [...]

Packages will contain the following top level keys:

  • created - The date the package was published
  • ecosystem - The ecosystem the package was published to
  • hashes - The hashes for published package archives
  • indicators - The indicators that identified this packages as a threat
  • name - The name of the package
  • version - The version of the package

Below is an example API response from the threat feed. The top-level keys are:

"has_next": true,
"has_previous": false,
"packages": [
"created": "Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:52:09 GMT",
"ecosystem": "npm",
"hashes": [
"archive": "cz-react-ui-library-8.0.0.tgz",
"hash": "1f9e0dd70cbd5928d41be7a1fb110e679b10ac41edafdaace8084e5d1031ca2a",
"type": "SHA256"
"indicators": {
"npm_hooks_rule": [
"node index.js"
"suspicious_url_references_rule": [
"file": "package/index.js",
"urls": [
"an OAST server"
"trivial_package_rule": true
"name": "cz-react-ui-library",
"version": "8.0.0"

Additional Query Options

The threat feed API provides several parameters for interacting with the feed itself:

pageSpecifies the page of the feed to retrieve.
per_pageSpecifies the number of items per page. The default is 25 and the upper limit is 50.
sinceFetches items added to the feed since the given date. Must be in the form of YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2023-06-18.

For example, if you want to limit the items per page to 3 since July 19, 2023 you would perform a GET request to:

Cursor Based Pagination

The threat feed supports cursor based pagination. By providing the cursor parameter you can iterate through the data in a guaranteed order. For example:

curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $PHYLUM_API"

If additional rows exist, the response will include the next cursor in the cursor key. The cursor value will be null when no additional rows exist.

"cursor": 2722653,
"packages": [
"created": "Wed, 28 Aug 2024 22:24:28 GMT",
"ecosystem": "npm",
"hashes": null,
"indicators": {
"npm_security_holding_rule": true,
"triaged_malware_rule": true
"name": "@hishprorg/sequi-perspiciatis",
"version": "0.0.1-security"
"created": "Wed, 28 Aug 2024 23:29:13 GMT",
"ecosystem": "npm",
"hashes": null,
"indicators": {
"npm_security_holding_rule": true,
"triaged_malware_rule": true
"name": "@hishprorg/necessitatibus-minus-quos",
"version": "0.0.1-security"

For cursor based data retrieval, you can provide the per_page query parameter. This will allow you to define how many rows will be returned. The default is 25 and the upper limit is 50.

curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $PHYLUM_API"