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Git pre-commit Integration


pre-commit is a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language Git pre-commit hooks.

Phylum is available as a pre-commit hook.

Once configured for a repository, the git pre-commit integration will provide analysis of project dependencies from manifests or lockfiles during a commit containing those dependency files. The hook will fail and provide a report if any of the newly added/modified dependencies from the commit fail to meet the established policy.

The hook will be skipped if no dependencies were added or modified for a given commit. If one or more dependencies are still processing (no results available), then the hook will only fail if dependencies that have completed analysis results do not meet the active policy.


The prerequisites for using the git pre-commit hook are:

  • The pre-commit package manager installed
  • A Phylum token with API access
  • Access to the Phylum API endpoints
    • That usually means a connection to the internet, optionally via a proxy
    • Support for on-premises installs are not available at this time

NOTE: If the phylum CLI binary is installed locally, it will be used. Otherwise, the hook will install it.

Configure .pre-commit-config.yaml​

Phylum analysis of dependencies can be added to existing pre-commit configurations or on it's own with this minimal configuration:

# This is the config for using `pre-commit` on this repository.
# See for more information
- repo:
rev: main
- id: phylum
# Optional: Specify the dependency file pattern for your repository
files: ''
# Optional: Specify additional arguments to be passed to `phylum-ci`
args: []

NOTE: This example configuration uses a mutable reference for rev, which is a bad practice (and only done here to prevent old tags from being used through copy and paste implementations). A best practice is to ensure the rev key for all hooks is updated to a valid and current immutable reference:

pre-commit autoupdate --freeze

The hook can be customized with optional keys in the config file. Two common customization keys for the phylum hook are files and args:

File Control​

The files key in the hook configuration file is the way to ensure the hook only runs when specified dependency files have changed, saving execution time.

The value for the files key is a Python regular expression and is matched with

        # NOTE: These are examples. Only one `files` key for the hook is expected

# Specify `package-lock.json`
files: ^package-lock\.json$

# Specify `poetry.lock`
files: ^poetry\.lock$

# Specify `requirements-*.txt` files
files: ^requirements-.*\.txt$

# Specify both `package-lock.json` and `poetry.lock` on one line
files: ^(package-lock\.json|poetry\.lock)$

# Specify multiple files using the inline `re.VERBOSE` flag `(?x)`
files: |

Argument Control​

The args key is the way to exert control over the execution of the Phylum analysis. The phylum-ci script entry point is called by the hook. It has a number of arguments that are all optional and defaulted to secure values. To view the arguments, their description, and default values, run the script with --help output as specified in the Usage section of the top-level or view the script options output for the latest release.

        # NOTE: These are examples. Only one `args` key for the hook is expected

# Use the defaults for all the arguments.
# The default behavior is to only analyze newly added dependencies
# against the active policy set at the Phylum project level.
# The key can be removed if the defaults are used.
args: []

# Consider all dependencies in analysis results instead of just the newly added ones.
# The default is to only analyze newly added dependencies, which can be useful for
# existing code bases that may not meet established policy rules yet,
# but don't want to make things worse. Specifying `--all-deps` can be useful for
# casting the widest net for strict adherence to Quality Assurance (QA) standards.
args: [--all-deps]

# Provide debug level output.
args: [-vv]

# Some lockfile types (e.g., Python/pip `requirements.txt`) are ambiguous in that
# they can be named differently and may be a manifest or a lockfile. In cases where
# only specific dependency files are meant to be analyzed, it is best to specify an
# explicit path, either with the `--depfile` option or in a `.phylum_project` file.
# For more, see:
args: [--depfile=requirements-prod.txt]

# Specify multiple explicit dependency file paths.
- --depfile=requirements-prod.txt
- --depfile=package-lock.json
- --depfile=poetry.lock
- --depfile=Cargo.toml
- --depfile=path/to/dependency.file

# Exclude dependency files by gitignore-style pattern.
args: [--exclude=requirements-*.txt]

# Specify multiple exclusion patterns.
- --exclude=/requirements-*.txt
- --exclude=build.gradle
- --exclude=fixtures/

# Force analysis for all dependencies in a manifest file. This is especially useful
# for *workspace* manifest files where there is no companion lockfile (e.g., libraries).
args: [--force-analysis, --all-deps, --depfile=Cargo.toml]

# Perform analysis as part of an organization and/or group-owned project.
# When an org is specified, a group name must also be specified.
# A paid account is needed to use orgs or groups:
args: [--org=my_org, --group=my_group]
args: [--group=my_group]

# Ensure the latest Phylum CLI is installed.
args: [--force-install]

# Install a specific version of the Phylum CLI.
args: [--phylum-release=4.8.0, --force-install]

# Mix and match for your specific use case.
- -vv
- --org=my_org
- --group=my_group
- --depfile=requirements-prod.txt
- --depfile=path/to/dependency.file
- --depfile=Cargo.toml
- --force-analysis
- --all-deps

Exit Codes​

The Phylum analysis hook will return a zero (0) exit code when it completes successfully and a non-zero code otherwise. The full and current list of exit codes is documented here and "Output Modification" options exist to be strict or loose with setting them.

Audit Mode​

It is possible to use the Phylum hook in an audit mode, where analysis is performed but results do not affect the exit code. To do so, update the args to include the --audit flag and add the verbose: true mapping to the hook configuration. That will ensure the output of the hook is printed every time so it can be examined during the audit period.

- repo:
rev: main
- id: phylum
# Additional args are possible, but `--audit` is the new one.
args: [--audit]
# Since the hook will pass in audit mode, forcing the output of the hook
# to be printed will ensure failures have a chance of being noticed.
verbose: true